
Stout, Kiuchi Brewery, Japan 7.5% ABV

After several strongly flavored and in some cases stouts not quite to my liking, I was glad to find something that was simple and very pleasing. Don’t get me wrong this beer is far from plain.  It takes a lot of careful work to make something that tastes this solid. Hitachi’s Espresso Stout tastes spot on like espresso, with bubbles. It’s a bit nutty and fruity in the open, with a slight bit of chocolate as the liquid washes back. The finish is the highlight, it’s got the slight oiliness and that feeling of grounds you get in espresso.  It’s simply a pleasure to drink, just take a big gulp and enjoy it slowly, marveling at the smooth, cohesive palate.


What said:

The strong espresso character comes from the addition of espresso beans to the boil….The very unusual character of Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout stems from the fact that Kiuchi Brewery is using the recipe of a Russian Imperial Stout as base.

wpid-20150530_110030.jpgSince it’s gotten warm around here I’ve been doing more work on my models. This was around 10 am, while it was still not too hot, his room is all glass on two sides, great for light but gets hot quickly. In the background you can see the HobbyBoss late model Hellcat I’ve been struggling with.